
‘Imperial Campaign’ — Clinton Ally Warns Hillary That Not Talking To The Press Is Killing Her Support

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Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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Columnist Brent Budowsky cautioned John Podesta about attacks Hillary Clinton’s opponents would launch during the 2016 race, emails published by WikiLeaks revealed on Tuesday.

“I am not going to raise this publicly, but one of HRC’s opponents will soon charge that she is running an ‘imperial campaign,'” Budowsky wrote to Podesta on May 18, 2016. “If it is the right opponent, Democrat or Republican, the charge will resonate.”

John Podesta looks on prior to the start of the Presidential Debate at Hofstra University on September 26, 2016 in Hempstead, New York. (Getty Images)

John Podesta looks on prior to the start of the Presidential Debate at Hofstra University on September 26, 2016 in Hempstead, New York. (Getty Images)

He noted that “probably 90 percent of the total media coverage of HRC has a negative slant, from her paid speeches to foundation donations to not answering questions from the press.”

“Her caution on policy has created a news vacuum that is filled by these other stories,” he continued. “While I don’t have the highest regard for most of the campaign press corps, they are getting dangerously unhappy about HRC refusing to answer questions.” (RELATED: Budowsky Warns Clinton Should ‘Wear Body Armor’ Around Obama Staffers)

“If we look at a long curve of her numbers, there is reason for serious concern if trends continue, and I see nothing today that will change them” unless Clinton changes her strategy,” Budowsky warned.

Hillary Clinton campaigns in Ohio (Getty Images)

Hillary Clinton campaigns in Ohio (Getty Images)

He cautioned Podesta that he heard “from many, many Democrats … that there is something off-key about her campaign.”

He added that “the hope that Republican candidates are so bad she can win by playing cautious … is a very dangerous way to run for president.”

“There is a missing element in her campaign and it is troubling. The ‘imperial campaign’ charge will resonate when the right candidate figures it out.”

Podesta responded that the “message [was] heard, although [he thinks] caution will ultimately be measured by what she says and what she’s for rather than how many press gaggles she does.”

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