
Murphy Defeats Mica In Tight Congressional Race [VIDEO]

REUTERS/Mannie Garcia

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Phillip Stucky Political Reporter
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Republican Rep. John Mica narrowly lost to Democratic professor Stephanie Murphy in Tuesday’s Florida congressional election.

Murphy benefited from a recently redrawn district that included more Democratic voters, fueling her rise.

Mica outraised and outspent Murphy, raising $1,239,841 in the race. Mica spent nearly all of that amount, plus the residual left over from the 2014 run. Murphy only managed to raise $775,321, but only spent $601,122 as of Nov. 6.

The UVa Center for Politics gave the race a “leans Democratic” rating, placing the race in the same category of 13 other congressional seats currently held by Republicans the Center believes will be picked up by Democrats during the course of Tuesday.


Real Clear Politics didn’t curate any polls in the race, but Republican internal polling dated Oct. 25 revealed Mica held a 5 point lead over Murphy at the time. The internal polling also revealed Mica fell nearly 13 percentage points from the same poll taken Sept. 25. Mica was in the District during that time voting on the spending continuing resolution.


The two never faced off in a debate, but Mica attacked Murphy on her strong Democratic stances, and benefited from the fact the Democratic candidate was largely unknown. Murphy attacked Mica for being too entrenched in the DC establishment, despite the fact that Mica personally was involved in almost every major Central Florida infrastructure project. Mica was known for working across the aisle to benefit the residents of his district.

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