Pence’s Motorcade Accidentally Hits DC Police Officer

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Daily Caller News Foundation logo
Russ Read Pentagon/Foreign Policy Reporter
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Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s motorcade struck a Washington, D.C., metro reserve police officer Wednesday, according to local reports.

The motorcade hit the officer at around 1:45 pm Wednesday afternoon at the intersection of 6th and F streets NW in downtown Washington, reported WRC-TV. The officer sustained minor injuries and was taken to a local hospital, according to the U.S. Secret Service. He has since been released.

The accident came two days before Trump and Pence’s inauguration Friday. D.C. metro police expect as many as 800,000 people will attend the event. In response, the police department has mobilized the bulk of its force, and invited thousands of officers from outside the city to aid in securing the inauguration.

Federal law enforcement agencies will also participate, in addition to 13,000 National Guard members.

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