
Republicans See Easier Road To Tax Reform Package Than Obamacare Repeal

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Kerry Picket Political Reporter
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WASHINGTON—Republicans in the Senate see no obstacles from the failure to repeal Obamacare last week that will keep them from passing a tax reform package by the end of November.

White House legislative affairs director Marc Short said Monday at an event at the Newseum, hosted by GOP donors Charles and David Koch among others, The Hill reported, that Republicans have scheduled an “aggressive” calendar to bring tax reform to the floor of the House by October and into the Senate by November.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin also at the event, said, “We will have success.” He added, “This is a pass-fail exercise and we will pass tax reform.”

Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley responded to the timetable goal for tax reform passing telling reporters Monday, “It better [pass by then], because it’s almost going to be signed by the president by that time. The IRS has to have that much time to get, so you can file taxes in January.”

When asked by The Daily Caller about his thoughts on permanent tax cuts, something that has not happened since 1986, Grassley replied, “Well if you’re talking about– if this is your question broadening the tax base or reducing marginal tax rates– that’s about the only way it can be done now, unless you accept the proposition that it doesn’t have to be revenue neutral but if it has got to be revenue neutral, you’ve got to broaden the tax base.”

The Iowa Republican does not believe the failure to repeal Obamacare last Thursday will hinder Republicans from passing a tax reform package.

“I don’t think the two are connected. I think that there’s more of a consensus on tax cuts than there is on anything else except for infrastructure and better chance to get bipartisanship. I don’t know that we’ll have bipartisanship but there is a better chance on taxes,” he said.

Missouri Republican Sen. Roy Blunt agreed telling TheDC, “Tax reform is easier to do than reconciliation. Most things are, but I think it’s time to look at all the possibilities.”

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