
WATCH: Celebs Create Bizarre ‘Committee To Investigate Russia’

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Justin Caruso Contributor
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A number of different celebrities and writers have joined forces to create a “Committee To Investigate Russia.”

David Frum, editor of The Atlantic and former George W. Bush speechwriter, appeared on MSNBC with film director Rob Reiner.


A promotional video featuring Morgan Freeman states that the United States is at “war” with Russia.

Reiner also states that Russia “attacked our democracy.”

The group reportedly states in an announcement, “It’s a lot harder to recognize today’s cyber attacks and espionage from Russia, but the goal is the same–to undermine our country.”

“This isn’t about politics. This is about ensuring the Russians cannot wage war on us without Americans knowing it and making sure our elected leaders do something about it.”

Reiner previously called the reporting of Louise Mensch “factual.”

Mensch has been involved in baseless conspiracies, such as alleging that Andrew Breitbart was killed in a hit ordered by Vladimir Putin.