
Conservative Demolishes Former Hillary Clinton Staffer On CNN Over Clinton Foundation [VIDEO]

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Justin Caruso Contributor
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Conservative CNN contributor Scott Jennings brought the facts to CNN commentator and former Clinton campaign staffer Patti Solis Doyle over an investigation into the Clinton Foundation Saturday.


Doyle, a former manager of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, said in response to the news that the Justice Department is investigating the Clinton Foundation, “I think this is as clear as it appears to be, and that is President Trump and Republicans in Congress are trying to deflect from the current Russia probe by saying, but look, ‘Hillary is the one who used a private e-mail server and, look, Hillary is the one.’ So, I think it’s very clear. President Trump has been livid with AG Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia investigation. He has let him know that. He has let the entire country know that. He has been tweeting that the FBI needs to investigate Secretary Clinton.”

She continued, “He has been doing a coordinated campaign with Fox News and Republicans in Congress, and I believe that Jeff Sessions, in an effort to save his own job has now complied with the President’s wishes. We have been through a vigorous FBI investigation of Secretary Clinton’s e-mails. The FBI also looked into the Clinton Foundation and found that there was not enough ‘there there’ to pursue any kind of investigation. And now, lo and behold, because the president has been tweeting about it, they are now taking it up.” (RELATED: Hillary Clinton Tells WaPo That Trump Is ‘A Little Obsessed’ With Her)

Conservative CNN contributor Scott Jennings responded, “Yeah, well, that’s a great story but it doesn’t match up with the facts. I mean, here are the facts. Number one, this investigation of the Clinton Foundation started under the Obama administration and according to the reporting today, it was never closed. Number two, the Clinton Foundation, we know from reporting, routinely did not disclose major donors, such as massive contributions from the Algerian government. Number three, we know that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, she was routinely asked to take meetings with Clinton Foundation donors.”

He added, “Honestly, this sounds like something worth looking into to me. I don’t know what’s going to come of it and I’m not going to sit here and say something definitely happened that was illegal, but when you look at the facts as they exist, it sounds like it ought to be looked into and I’m glad the FBI is continuing something they started under the Obama administration.” (RELATED: Senior Hillary Adviser Tells Students He’s Nervous They Will Like The Tax Cuts And Vote Republican)

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