
Kanye West Sports ‘Make America Great Again’ Hat In New Photo — Trump Responds


Justin Caruso Contributor
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Hip-hop superstar Kanye West tweeted a photo of himself wearing President Trump’s signature “Make America Great Again” hat Wednesday.

West captioned the photo, “we got love.”

President Trump responded to West’s tweets shortly after the hat picture was posted:

The rapper also said on Wednesday that he didn’t agree with everything the president did, but nevertheless has voiced some support for him.

Kanye also tweeted his support for over the weekend for Candance Owens, a black pro-Trump commentator. (RELATED: Kanye West Tweets Support For Conservative Woman, Blasts ‘Self Victimization’)

West has faced some criticism for his recent tweets that voice support for conservatives. Some activists associated with the Black Lives Matter movement, like Shaun King, have attacked Kanye and Owens for saying what “bigoted white folk love to hear.”

The Trump support comes as a surprise for many, however, Trump and West have known each other for a while. In December 2016, Trump and Kanye had a meeting in Trump Tower.

Trump told a gaggle of reporters at the time that the two discussed “life.”

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Tags : kanye west
Justin Caruso