First Lady Melania Trump announced on Monday that she will charter a campaign called “BE BEST” that is dedicated to educating children on a variety of issues.
In remarks given at the White House, Mrs. Trump said she hopes the program will work with children to help them become “happy and productive adults who contribute positively to society and to their global communities.”
Trump explained that “BE BEST” will focus on three main pillars in order to foster children’s mental and physical health.
“There are too many critical issues facing children today so the three main pillars of BE BEST will include well-being, social media use, and opioid abuse,” she said.”We can and should teach children the important of social and self-awareness, positive relationship skills, and responsible decision making.”
In order to demonstrate how the BE BEST system can help children, she described a “buddy bench” that a young boy named Christian created when he was in second grade.
The buddy bench helps students “connect during recess,” noting that if a student sits on the bench it invites other children to come ask that student to play with them.
“Let us teach our children the difference between right and wrong, and encourage them to BE BEST in their individual paths in life,” the First Lady stated.