
Ted Cruz: Nike Is ‘On The Wrong Side Of The American People’

(Photo credit: NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

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Molly Prince Politics Reporter
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Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas stood firmly in defense of respecting the American flag on Monday, juxtaposing the reaction of anthem detractors with a recent statement by the former dictator of one of the world’s leading terrorists countries.

“When a radical anti-Semite, anti-American Iranian dictator emphatically agrees with you, maybe that’s a sign that Beto, the NFL, and Nike are all on the wrong side of the American people,” Cruz tweeted.

Cruz was referring to a statement by former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, who gave his support for football quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

“The #NFL season will start this week, unfortunately once again [Kaepernick] is not on a NFL roster,” Ahmadinejad tweeted Monday. “Even though he is one of the best Quarterbacks in the league.”

The comments come after Nike announced that Kaepernick would be the face of the company’s 30th anniversary “Just Do It” campaign. Despite leading the San Francisco 49ers to the 2013 Super Bowl championship game, Kaepernick is most notable for kneeling during the national anthem before NFL games. (RELATED: Ted Cruz Fires Back In Defense Of The National Anthem With New Ad)

Cruz has been a frequent defender of the American flag. After his Senate challenger Democratic Rep. Robert O’Rourke of Texas claimed that there is “nothing more American” than protesting the national anthem, Cruz fired back with a campaign ad on behalf of veterans who lost the ability to stand themselves while fighting for the country.

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