
Graham Rips Kavanaugh Hearing ‘Ambush’ By Democrats

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Saagar Enjeti White House Correspondent
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Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham angrily attacked Senate Democrats for their handling of the ongoing hearing for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, after the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

“I’m really upset that they knew about this in August and never told anybody,” Graham said. “All I can say is, we’re 40-something days away from the election, and their goal, not Ms. Ford’s goal, is to delay this past the midterms so they can win the Senate and never allow Trump to fill this seat. I believe that now more than ever. I don’t know who paid for her polygraph, but somebody did.”

“I feel ambushed as the majority,” Graham flatly declared.

Kavanaugh will now testify Thursday afternoon before the Senate Judiciary Committee after Ford. Ford alleged throughout her testimony that Kavanaugh assaulted her when they were both teenagers but she cannot remember key details. He will also likely be asked about two other women accusing him of sexual misconduct.