
Kanye West: ‘Leave Elon Musk The F**k Alone’

Elon Musk, Kanye West (Credit: Getty Images)

Jena Greene Reporter
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Kanye West insists he’s selecting his allies carefully; many of them just happen to be controversial.

On Tuesday, the rapper made a guest appearance at the College of Creative Studies in Detroit, Michigan, where he lectured art students on a variety of subjects. Some of them were relevant to the art world. Others, not so much. (RELATED: LATEST REVELATIONS INVOLVING KANYE WEST AND AN INTERN WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD SPINNING)

Kanye reportedly jumped on top of a table and told kids in attendance to “leave Elon Musk the f**k alone.”

Part of his rant was posted to Twitter by an art student named Josh.

“Elon Musk, I don’t give a f**k who’s over at his house, leave that man the f**k alone,” Kanye says.

The rapper seems to be referencing a story told by female rapper Azealia Banks, who said back in August that she was at Elon Musk’s house waiting for his girlfriend, Grimes, to come back so they could finish their collaboration.

“Literally been sitting at Elon Musk’s waiting for Grimes to show up and start these sessions,” she said on Instagram. “I have no idea when she is coming back. I’m going to wait one more day then I’m going to go home.”

She added she was waiting for a long time, “while Grimes coddled her boyfriend for being too stupid to know not to go on Twitter while on acid.”

Apparently, Kanye’s not exactly sympathetic to these complaints, seeing as he’s jumping on tables and trying to get more people on the Elon train. (RELATED: ELON MUSK’S WEIRD NEW GIRLFRIEND IS DOING ONE OF HER WEIRDEST MOVES YET)

Both Musk and Kanye have been in hot water over the last several weeks. Musk was recently forced by the SEC to step down as chairman at Tesla after he threatened to take his company private on Twitter. And Kanye suggested abolishing the 13th Amendment (which outlawed slavery in the United States with the exception of punishment for a crime) via Twitter this weekend.

(He later expanded on his suggestion, saying it should be amended to outlaw hard labor for prisoners, but not before causing an internet firestorm.)

This all comes as Kanye has been working to bring President Trump and Colin Kaepernick together for a summit to hold a conversation about NFL anthem protests and improving race relations.

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