
Trump Breaks Silence After Kavanaugh’s Confirmation

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Saagar Enjeti White House Correspondent
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President Donald Trump applauded the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court by the Senate, in a tweet Saturday.

Kavanaugh was confirmed by a margin of 50-48 garnering all but one Republican vote and a single Democratic one. He faced decades old allegations of sexual assault by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who he testified with before the Senate Judiciary Committee. (RELATED: Senate Votes To Confirm Kavanaugh)

Kavanaugh’s confirmation battle sparked a vicious partisan fight and intense media scrutiny into his behavior as a high school and college student. Trump stood behind Kavanaugh throughout the process highlighting his nearly 30-year legal career and more than a decade of judicial experience on the D.C. Circuit Court.

Kavanaugh will become the 114th person in U.S. history to sit on the Supreme Court.