Save On Unlimited Access To Books And Audiobooks For A Year With Scribd

The Daily Caller Shop

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No matter your reason for reading — whether that’s to learn a new skill, stay current with today’s politics, or get lost in a fantastic story — it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find the time, as well as money, to pay for physical reads. Rather than skipping out on that great content, consider checking out a digital subscription service that costs you way less instead. With a one-year Scribd Subscription, access an unlimited number of books, audiobooks, magazines, and more anywhere.

Normally $108, this Scribd subscription is 21 percent off

Normally $108, this Scribd subscription is 21 percent off

Scribd Subscriptions on sale for $85

This subscription service helps you be your best self, stay informed, and explore new worlds with the convenience of a digital platform. For starters, it gives you access to an unlimited number of books, audiobooks, magazines, newspapers, and even sheet music straight from your smartphone, tablet, or Kindle. Meaning, it’s a breeze to find the content you want, and discover new favorites based on personalized recommendations.

What’s more, since the Big Five — Penguin Random House, Hachette, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, and Macmillan — publish their work to this platform, you can explore more than one million books and audiobooks with this subscription, including new releases, best sellers, and classics. On top of that, managing all of the content you want to read is easy; save your favorites, create collections, and bookmark titles to personalize your digital library.

Get a one-year subscription for 21% off at $85 in The Daily Caller Shop.

You can find even more great deals like this at The Daily Caller Shop.

Tags : books
The Daily Caller Shop