Joan Walsh snapped at Trump 2020 advisory council member Rob Astorino during a heated segment of “Out Front” on CNN Tuesday. “You’re smarter than that,” she said as he defended President Donald Trump, saying that he had every right to be frustrated by the Mueller investigation.
“Look, I read the Mueller report and I would have been really angry too if that happened to me,” Astorino began. “Because when you know you didn’t do anything wrong and the FBI director comes in and says you’re not the target of this, and he says, ‘Okay, well say that so I can get on with my life.’ He says no.”
Astorino turned to Walsh and guest host Erica Hill, adding, “If somebody accused you of murder and you knew you didn’t murder anybody and the prosecutor came in said, ‘Look, we know you didn’t murder anybody but we’re going through the process …'” (RELATED: CNN Panel Melts Down Over Trump’s ‘Sexist’ Salad Joke)
“Rob you’re smarter than this. You’re smarter than this,” Walsh interrupted.
“Look, he didn’t do anything wrong,” Astorino continued. “The whole first volume was ridiculousness.”
“Well it wasn’t ridiculous but he was …” Walsh cut in again.
“It should have never led to the second volume,” said Astorino.
“But it did,” Walsh protested. “The special counsel found clear and convincing evidence of a pattern of …”
“No,” Astorino said flatly, shaking his head.
“… not collusion, but of a pattern of Russian interference and a lot of contact,” Walsh added.
“But minor characters,” Astorino pointed out.
Walsh went on to argue that the president only became a target of the investigation when he fired former FBI Director James Comey, saying that the behavior outlined in Volume II of Mueller’s report suggested a pattern of obstruction.
Astorino responded by noting that the Obama administration knew about the fact that Russians were attempting to interfere with the election and had done very little to stop it.