
Longtime Aide To Freshman Dem Charged With Soliciting 17-Year-Old Prostitute


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Andrew Kerr Investigative Reporter
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A longtime aide to freshman Democratic Rep. Anthony Brindisi of New York was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor Friday for soliciting a prostitute.

John Stemen, 57, admitted to meeting the 17-year-old prostitute on the internet and paying her $200 for a “sexual date,” New York State Police announced in a press release Friday.

The age of consent in New York is 17. (RELATED: Nevada State Legislature Candidate Accused Of Raping A Prostitute)

Brindisi’s office said Stemen, who served as the congressman’s district field representative in Utica, was fired on Thursday after it learned of the allegations.

“As soon as we were made aware of the charges, John Stemen was immediately terminated from his position,” Brindisi’s office told The Hill.

Stemen was Brindisi’s community relations director during the congressman’s service on the New York State Assembly from 2011 through 2018, according to Stemen’s LinkedIn page.

Stemen joined Brindisi’s office following his election victory in November.

Stemen is scheduled to appear in Utica court on Monday morning.

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