Former Vice President Joe Biden made an egregious claim during Tuesday’s Democratic debate, saying that a whopping 150 million people have been killed by guns since 2007.
Biden was asked how he would stop gun violence, with the moderator noting that “Congress has not been able to pass a major gun legislation in a quarter of a century.” The former vice president said that he is “the only one who ever got it done nationally” before making the false claim that 150 million people have been killed by guns since 2007.
“One hundred fifty million people have been killed since 2007, when [Vermont Sen.] Bernie [Sanders] voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability,” Biden claimed. “More than all the wars, including Vietnam, from that point on. Carnage on our streets.”
“And I want to tell you, if I’m elected, NRA – I’m coming for you and gun manufacturers. I’m going to take you on and I’m going to beat you. I’m the only one who has done it.”
In reality, the number is far lower than Biden’s claim of 150 million people within 13 years. There have been around 1.5 million gun-related deaths in the U.S. between 1968 and 2017, statistics indicate. More Americans have died from guns in the U.S. than in wars, according to a 2017 Snopes fact check.
No one pushed back on Biden’s claim.