Rioters Set Off Firecrackers, Shine Flashlights Into DC Homes

The Daily Caller (@shelbytalcott)

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Rioters in Washington, D.C. made their way through a residential neighborhood and shined flashlights into houses and set off fireworks Sunday night.

The crowd started marching around 10:30 p.m. Sunday night. They stopped at a restaurant and harassed both patrons outside, shouting “out of the bar and into the street” and people inside, a video posted by Daily Caller reporter Shelby Talcott showed.


The group then blocked the intersection in front of the restaurant, Le Diplomate, and began giving speeches. A waiter from the restaurant handed out water to the crowd. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE: Fireworks, Tear Gas Used At Portland Federal Courthouse)

The crowd then moved on to the residential neighborhoods. A video showed several people shining flashlights in people’s homes, setting off firecrackers, and chanting “out of your homes and into the streets!”

A smaller group of people broke off from the bigger crowd and began harassing officers and throwing things at them. “Throwing shit at them is not keeping us safe,” a march organizer told the crowd in an attempt to get them to stop, pointing out that the rioters were outnumbered by the number of police officers that were there.

Despite the march organizer’s warning, the crowd continued to be aggressive and threw bottles at police officers, who had put on helmets and protective gear. Shortly after midnight, the police began to fire crowd control munitions to disperse the group. (RELATED: ‘Protesters Your Ass’: Trump Criticizes Harassment Of RNC Attendees Outside White House)

The videos showed officers handcuffing people, and the crowd eventually dispersed around 12:45 a.m.

Sunday was the fourth consecutive night of unrest in DC. Protests and riots have been ongoing nationwide following the May 25 death of George Floyd, and many places have struggled to contain the unrest in their cities.