Chicago’s ‘Dreadhead Cowboy’ Charged For Riding Horse Down Freeway During ‘Kids’ Lives Matter’ Protest

(Screenshot/ABC 6 News)

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Chicago’s “Dreadhead Cowboy” is facing charges after he stopped traffic by riding his horse down the highway Monday afternoon, ABC 6 News reported.

Adam Hollingsworth was arrested after he stopped traffic for his “kids’ lives matter” protest, which was meant to draw attention to children’s needs in Chicago, according to ABC 6. Police say they started getting calls that Hollingsworth was blocking traffic around 4:30 p.m. Monday afternoon. (RELATED: ‘The Street Is Closed!’: Protesters Block Off Street Near DC’s BLM Plaza, Force Locals To Turn Around)

“Kids’ lives matter,” Hollingsworth said on a Facebook livestream of him riding his horse down the Dan Ryan highway. “We shut down the Dan Ryan. Kids’ lives matter.”

He later appeared to do a Facebook livestream from jail.

Hollingsworth, followed by several activists on motorcycles, rode his horse down the highway for more than seven miles, according to the report. He stopped shortly before 5:00 p.m. after police reportedly clocked his horse going more than 15 miles per hour.

Illinois State Police said that Hollingsworth had met with them and the Chicago Police Sept. 9 and asked if he could shut down the highway for his protest. His request was denied, police say.

A crowd gathered and gave the horse water and poured water on its neck to help it cool down after Hollingsworth was stopped, ABC 6 reported. The horse was injured, state police said. It was reportedly bleeding from its left hoof, had bleeding sores on its side from the saddle and had an injured right hoof.

ABC 7’s helicopter later saw the horse resting with workers from Chicago’s animal control, according to the report.