Joy Behar said Tuesday that Republicans had already won the battle for control of the Supreme Court.
Behar made the comment during a segment of ABC’s “The View,” adding that Democrats should be moving on to fights they might be able to win, such as control of the Senate. (RELATED: ‘Blow Up The Entire System’: Don Lemon Is Ready To Scrap The Electoral College, Pack The Court)
“We were talking about the replacement for Justice Ginsburg,” Whoopi Goldberg began. “Joy, what’s your feeling?”
“You know, I was thinking about the Supreme Court, because we’ve lost that battle,” Behar said. “I don’t want to talk about the Republicans anymore. We’ve lost the battle. That doesn’t mean we lost the Senate. These are the states up for grabs Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Montana, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas.”
“Arizona too,” Meghan McCain cut in.
“Arizona too. Thats right. So those states could become Democratic, help the Democrats win the Senate,” Behar continued, arguing that she was “privileged” enough that the balance of the court was not likely to impact her on a personal level.
“I don’t have to worry about the Supreme Court that much because I’m white. Because I’m post menopausal so I can’t get pregnant, thank God. I happen to be straight. I have money because I’ve been working on ‘The View’ for so many years,” Behar explained, adding, “It’s for those people who are not privileged that we have to worry about. That is who you’re voting for. It’s like you wear the mask for someone else and you want the Supreme Court to be a steady force in America for someone else, not for you when you’re privileged.”
Goldberg agreed, saying that she also thought it best to focus on the things that she could control — like encouraging people to get out and vote. She also mentioned Judge Amy Coney Barrett — who has been held up numerous times as a potential replacement for the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Ginsburg passed away Friday due to complications of metastatic pancreatic cancer.
“Well, here’s what I’ll say about — you know, talking about the woman who has the seven kids,” Goldberg said. “She’s up for becoming a justice. You know, you can’t really Kavanaugh her because Kavanaugh was Kavanaughed because he was accused of rape and people wanted to make sure that that wasn’t the case. No one’s going to accuse her of anything. And I haven’t really seen people going after her for her religion.”