
Robby Starbuck Announces Congressional Bid, Rand Paul Endorsement

Jason Kempin/Getty Images

Nicole Silverio Media Reporter
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Hollywood film producer and director Robby Starbuck announced his candidacy for Congress Monday with an endorsement from Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

Starbuck released an ad announcing his Republican congressional bid to represent Tennessee. Since his family fled socialism in Cuba, he declared that his “life mission” is to fight the threat of socialism in America.

“A lot of people ask me, Robby, why would you bring down a successful career in Hollywood directing some of the biggest stars in the world to run for Congress? And the answer is very simple, socialists already stole everything from my family once in Cuba. My life mission now is to make sure that socialists can’t do the same thing to you,” Starbuck said in his ad.

In his endorsement for Starbuck, Paul called him “one of the good guys” that will fight against socialism and for a smaller government. (RELATED: Fear Of Socialism, Medicare-For-All Drove Florida Latinos To Vote Republican, Former State Rep Says)

“I don’t endorse many people for Congress, but I’m endorsing Robby Starbuck because he’s one of the good guys. He’s one of the guys who will really go to Washington and do as he says,” Paul said. “He’ll vote for smaller government, he’ll vote against the endless wars. Robby knows about socialism firsthand, his family escaped socialism in Cuba.”

Starbuck tweeted that Americans’ freedom is threatened by the “Big Tech cartel and the swamp.” The ad concluded with the slogan “Join the movement to make America free again.”