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A True Gem from Florida, Haimov Jeweler’s

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Established in 1989, Haimov Jewelers is a shop owned and run by an innovative and wonderful individual called Igal Haimov.
Since the very beginning, Igal Haimov has been a passionate young man, making outstanding sketch designs of certain detailed jewellery out of his own imagination. It is his unique sense of creativity that led him to be recognised in the jewellery industry, and very soon he started to follow his dream.

Igal Haimov plans to set up his own custom jewellery store in Miami, and since then he has never had a bad business day. Florida is the heart of Miami, and the owner, as well as the designer of the store, has been functioning successfully for the past 30 years, selling a wide range of fine jewellery ranging from diamonds to watch is an even on certain personalised demands made by people. For him, the main priority is customer satisfaction, it is because of them that he has managed to come so far in the industry with quite a goodwill. It is the quality that matters the most, profits are assured form of revenue, yet customer satisfaction is something that varies from time to time hence a lot of focus and attention is paid to this.

Haimov Jewelers has a very vast collection to offer, and people really go all out on this. After all, who does not like to have a variety in front of them, with all the fine jewellery in yellow, rose gold and even white gold, be it loose diamonds or fancy watches. All the staff members are a part of the Haimov Jewelers family, they work in complete coordination and help in meeting up the demands, with their strong value system and creativity, they have created an environment that is more than beneficial for a positive slope in the business.

With a lot of fame in the area, they have become a complete company with chain stores all around the world, in Los Angeles, Moscow, Paris, New York and even Dubai. Moreover, they have served some really high-profile clients and celebrities that include Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, Lil pump, the list will certainly go on because there is a lot to add on here. According to them, it is their policy of quality over quantity that led to such remarkable development.

Constantly looking for ways to improve more despite being a distinguished worldwide jewellery company, Igal Haimov has really come a very long way in this business. Make sure to check out their official website and also follow them on Instagram, who knows, you might find something great from their store!

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.