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Dolmar Cross and Zak Catchem List 4 Habits That Foster Resilience

DN News Desk Contributor
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Resilience is perhaps the most advantageous trait a successful person can possess. It’s resilience that we rely on most when the odds are stacked against us, and when we are backed into a corner with nothing or no one to rely on except that steely resolve born out of adversity. Dolmar Cross and Zak Catchem may be as different as chalk and cheese and hail from vastly different backgrounds but they both readily admit that if it wasn’t for their resilient personalities, success would have remained but a pipe dream. As sworn disciples of the almost mystical power of resilience, Dolmar Cross and Zak Catchem would like to discuss the four habits that best foster this miracle game-changer.

“I firmly believe resilience is the fertile ground from which all winners are born and shaped,” says Dolmar Cross. “I don’t say that blithely because I have seen firsthand how everyday trials and tribulation can shatter some folk; yet, in others, they’re the raw materials which they use to sharpen the cutting edge of their resilience. That’s why I believe the first habit you need to adopt in terms of fostering resilience is continually stepping outside of your comfort zone and seeking out new challenges to overcome.”

Zak Catchem seconds this notion and elaborates, “Perpetually testing yourself is a great way to foster and maintain resilience. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and each hurdle you overcome is another step along the track to glory.”

Another habit both Dolmar Cross and Zak Catchem recommend is to find a sense of purpose. Zak Catchem explains, “In the face of personal crisis or huge disappointment, it’s easy to get despondent and quit, but not if you have an overriding sense of purpose. If you have ambition, goals, and a destiny to fulfill, you’ll not let anything stand in your way, and possess the strength to weather the storm time and again.”

Dolmar Cross adds, “I couldn’t agree more. Tough times don’t last but tough people do and it’s never the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. This brings me nicely to the third attribute you definitely need to foster resilience, and that’s self-belief! You need it by the bucketful to survive the slings and arrows of modern life. Having confidence in yourself is the anchor that’ll keep you steady when all those around you are losing their head.”

Last but not the least, Dolmar Cross and Zak Catchem believe that remaining optimistic is one of the most important habits in terms of fostering a resilient personality. Zak Catchem emphasizes, “Self-belief is integral to being resilient, but you also need plenty of optimism. If you’re inherently negative, how will you ever survive the dark periods? Resilient people are a beacon of light in the darkness, and your job is to cultivate those flames of positivity within yourself.”

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.

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