‘Impossible Deadlines From The Get-Go’: Fox News NatSec Reporter Says Military Was Given Herculean Task In Afghanistan

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Fox News’ national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin said Thursday the “arbitrarily set” withdrawal deadline was impossible to adhere to.

“[T]hey knew it was going to happen,” Griffin said of the ISIS-K terrorist attack outside the Kabul airport that resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. service members. “They knew, the U.S. Military knew that when they were given a strict timeline to pullouts, that they would be going back in. They would be going back in, possibly under fire.”


She went on to challenge President Joe Biden’s promise to “hunt down” those responsible for the deadly explosion.

“The notion now that they are going to hunt down ISIS and they are going to stop those who carried out the attack boggles the mind. The people they would have relied on to do that kind of work, hunt down the terrorists, they are now cowering and hiding in basements in safe houses because they can’t get to the airport for safety,” Griffin stated.

The national security reporter added that if the U.S. military could not manage to identify the ISIS network in the 20 years of its presence in Afghanistan, then it would surely not succeed at pinning down the terrorists by the “self-imposed deadline” of Aug. 31. (RELATED: Psaki Says Aug. 31 Is The ‘End Of The Mission,’ US Will Coordinate With Taliban To Get Americans Out After Deadline)

“The military has been given impossible deadlines from the get-go. It goes back to the previous administration and it was doubled down by the Biden administration when Joe Biden announced that they had to be out by arbitrarily September 11,” Griffin added.