Video Of Shop Completely Frozen Over Is Both Mesmerizing And Horrifying

[Screenshot Twitter Associated Press]

Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Eerie video footage shows a Wisconsin shop alongside a lake completely encapsulated in thick ice after an arctic storm barreled through parts of the U.S.

The shop, known as “Simply Scandinavian,” sits along Lake Michigan in the northern part of the state in Door County. The Associated Press (AP) reported that “high winds and waves along with very cold temperatures caused [the shop] to be covered in about a foot of ice.”

“So even though Mother Nature has created some incredible outwork for us, it is a bit worrisome due to the weight thats on the building,” Gretel Sannikas of Simply Scandinavian said. (RELATED: Mentally Disabled Man Gets Lost In Deadly Snow Storm, What A Stranger Did Next Is Pure Class)

“With it’s tough nordic genes im sure this shop has endured many storms,” she added.

The National Weather Service said winds up to 50 miles per hour on Dec. 23 and 24 caused the waves to freeze over the shop.

Sannikas said she is “very hopeful” that some warmer temperatures will help thaw the shop out and restore it back to its original condition.

Several areas throughout the U.S. were hit with an arctic blizzard Christmas weekend, with at least 34 dead nationwide.