
Name A Hissing Cockroach After Your Ex For Valentine’s Day


Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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Zoos in the United States and Canada are offering guests the opportunity to name a hissing cockroach after one of their exes for Valentine’s Day.

If you really want to get back at your ex this Valentine’s Day, you can name a hissing cockroach after him or her at Brookfield Zoo in Illinois, according to a zoo press release. All you have to do is donate $15 to support the zoo, and you’ll get a certificate confirming the bug’s name as well as a spot on the “Cockroach Naming Board.”

Toronto Zoo is running a similar promotion, according to the Toronto Star. However, patrons face an increased price of 25 Canadian dollars (which is just shy of $19 in real money).

“You can name a roach after your boss, ex-friend, relative, or anyone else that has been ‘bugging’ you,” Toronto Zoo Wildlife Conservancy donor stewardship and engagement coordinator Kelsey Godel told the Star. (RELATED: Case Of The Mondays? Justin Trudeau’s New Haircut Will Cheer You Up)

As for me, I like to name the occasional cockroach at my farm after an ex or literally anyone who I feel has disrespected me on any given day. Then I either get my boyfriend to kill it or wait until my psychotic cat catches it, plays with it and eats it. At least one woman on Twitter seems to feel similarly to me. She posted a video of a cockroach she named at San Antonio zoo being eaten by an owl. It was very satisfying to watch.