
What? Black Man In New York City Gets More Than $2 Million After Failing ‘Racist’ Teacher’s Test Over And Over Again

(Photo by CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP via Getty Images)

Andrew Powell Sports and Entertainment Blogger
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This world, man.

Herman Grim is a 64-year-old black man from Queens in New York City, and he also happens to be rich after scoring $2 million from the city after he failed a mandatory teacher’s test over and over again — a test that the court determined was racist.

Around 5,200 black and Hispanic teachers and once-time-aspiring teachers who took the test during a 30-year span received over $1.8 billion in judgments in their federal discrimination lawsuit, according to the New York Post.

“As of Friday, 225 people who failed the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test used for teacher licensing from 1994 to 2014 had already been notified they’re getting settlements of at least $1 million, according to an analysis of Manhattan federal court records,” the Post report reads. “Court rulings found the exam violated civil-rights laws, allowing far more white candidates to pass.”

Because Grim failed the test so many times, he ended up getting the biggest payout of them all — $2,055,383.

This kind of stuff just grinds your gears.

Most of us have to work, and work hard, in order to get everything that we need and want — as we should. But while you’re doing that hard work and trying to do things the right way, you see people get these easy payouts because of “woke” nonsense. Nothing against Mr. Grim, but (to quote President Biden) c’mon, man.

Do we not have any morals anymore? What happened to good ol’ fashioned hard work? (RELATED: REPORT: Walgreens In San Francisco Forced To Chain Food Freezers In Effort To Combat Crime)

Nah, let’s just take free money because of an apparently racist test.

How ridiculous.