CNN told its Twitter followers Wednesday that if they’re at high risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19, then it’s time for them to start wearing masks. And Twitter lost its mind.
“It may be time to break out the masks against COVID, some experts say,” CNN wrote in a featured image on the tweet. It’s unclear who these experts are, or what their field of research is, but my guess is they’ve got PhDs in being idiotic government stooges. Masks never worked, and neither did telling us to wear them.
And it seems like almost everyone agrees. The comments on the post ranged from hilarious to peak frustration. “Fuck off,” wrote comedian Tim Young to CNN, which was seconded by a slew of followers.
Fuck off.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) August 24, 2023
“Yeah, not falling for this again. If you want to do this.. be my guest. The experts have been wrong and wrong again for the last three years. We all know it,” The Investigative Examiners replied to the flailing media network. (RELATED: Don’t Worry About Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit. China Invaded Us Years Ago, Didn’t You Notice?)
Another user shared a screenshot of a New York Times article headlined “The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?” The caption noted that no lessons were learned.
After scrolling for the better part of 20 minutes, I had yet to find any user who appeared pro-masking. And honestly, I think that’s pretty cool.