
ROOKE: Stop Falling For The Right’s Anti-Marriage Propaganda

Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Mary Rooke Commentary and Analysis Writer
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The Red Pill movement is going to leave more single people in its wake than feminism because it is weaponizing the complementary relationship between men and women despite years of complaining about the women’s movement doing the same.

The world is in a stage of growth. The left and right are fighting for control over major institutions, including marriage. The winner will set the tone for decades on how society views love. The upheaval leaves men and women in their 20s and 30s to navigate an increasingly hostile dating pool just as they realize their ideas on sex and marriage are more complicated than believing that the opposite sex is inherently evil.

Women are starting to realize that their pursuits of climbing the power ladder are often not as fulfilling as they were told. Since birth, women from Gen X to Gen Z were bombarded with the narrative that they could and should do it alone. Outside of “Sex in the City” style-one-night stands, it is men who need women, not the other way around.

But being a girl boss is hard when you go home to a lonely life. Any woman who claims not to need a man is lying to you and herself. We not only need men. We want them with every part of our heart. We want to be their best friend, counselor, and greatest ally. Ideally, women care for the family while the husband protects it. They understand that only together can they achieve a lasting family legacy.

Women were created to be society’s nurturers, but feminism stripped their ability to do that by ignoring their innate desire for male companionship.

So now the world is stuck figuring out what to do with several generations of women just now realizing they were lied to and oversexed. They want a masculine partner, but what is the right offering them if they leave the left? Men on the right find it hilarious that these women are alone. Not only is it a cruel way to view life, but it is also incredibly counterintuitive in terms of the mission to rebuild the family unit on a national scale. Demonizing a generation of women undergoing a massive culture shift isn’t the way to win friends and influence people.

Like feminism, the Red Pill view of love puts men and women out of balance. The right wants the perfect woman but doesn’t demand the same for men. She should be pure, dutiful, and beautiful. This is not because these men stayed pure, went to church, learned useful skills for raising a family, and expected the same of their future wives. They consider themselves good providers and now want to frolic in their hayfield with their fertile milkmaid. I’m sorry, incel but life doesn’t work like that. The best relationships are ones where men and women can grow together. The expectation is that firm, loyal love can support each other through life’s trials. (ROOKE: Blaming Feminism Is A Cope For Men Who Traded Masculinity For The Mirage Of Free Love)

Where is the grace for these women manipulated by their mothers, aunts, teachers, and the media for decades? These women made it to the other side of a massive psyop, telling them that men are the worst, and the response by red-pilled men is to paint them as money-grubbing hoes who earned their loneliness. Men directly benefited from the loose morals pushed on women but now demand piety. This is an impossible ask after being the ones who took it from them, and it only serves to continue the death spiral of loneliness for both men and women.

After years of feminism subjugating mainstream morality, our society desperately needs conservative men to shepherd these women back into the fold again. It should be a no-brainer: show these women you aren’t the dominating jerk, and they’ll be loyal and give you children. Continue treating them like they are used goods, and they’ll make it their mission to destroy your way of life.

Mary Rooke is a reporter at the Daily Caller.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller.