
Black Milwaukee Voter Says Biden Would Have ‘Big Problem’ If Election Were Held Today

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Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Black voters expressed their dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden during an interview with CNN.

CNN’s John King visited Milwaukee where he spoke to disgruntled voters.

Milwaukee voter Eric Jones told King that the communities are hurting from a “domino effect.”

“When the factories and manufacturing left, jobs left, when jobs leave and opportunities leave, then you have certain things that are domino effects, right.”

Jones told King that Biden should stop by the city to “learn a lesson.”

“You bring opportunities, you bring jobs, you get votes, plain and simple,” Jones said.

Another voter, Devonta Johnson, told King that he doesn’t know if he could vote for Biden if the election were held today.

“If you’re Joe Biden and you want to be reelected today, you’d have a big problem, right?” (RELATED: CNN’s Senior Data Reporter Says Biden’s ‘Double-Digit Decline’ Amongst Voting Block Is Dangerous In 4 Key States)

“Yeah, he would, he’d have a big problem,” Johnson said.

“If it were just Biden and Trump, who would you vote for?” King asked.

“That’s just a tough one,” Johnson said.

Biden’s lead among former President Donald Trump amongst black voters has declined since his 2020 win. A Fox News poll shows Biden leading Trump 74% to 26% amongst black voters, down from his 90% lead in 2020. Meanwhile, an Associated Press poll from May found black voters were aligning more with Trump.