
Cops Abandoned Victims Of UK Grooming Gang That Repeatedly Raped Underage Girls, Report Says

(Screenshot/YouTube/Channel 4 News)

Mariane Angela Entertainment And News Reporter
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A new report published Monday details a series of failed investigations from police that allowed a Manchester, United Kingdom, grooming gang to continue abusing underage victims between 2004 and 2012.

Nine men, primarily British Pakistani except for an Afghan individual, were found guilty of various charges including rape, sexual assault, and trafficking for sexual exploitation in 2012, according to The Guardian. The new report Monday details the abuse suffered by dozens of young girls, including a teenage girl who allegedly died from a drug overdose, an aborted fetus taken by police and a child allegedly forced to act like a dog.

“There’re some girls they’ve got who they put in a cage and make them bark like a dog or dress like a baby … they are perverts,” the report states. The report also highlights the challenges the girls faced in confronting their abusers, and revealed that 96 men identified in the report are still considered a threat to children in Rochdale, Manchester. (RELATED:REPORT: Three Minors Accused Of Gang-Raping 12-Year-Old Boy)

The report highlights the abuse of 15-year-old Victoria Agoglia, who passed away in 2003 from a drug overdose after she had been raped and exploited by older men. The report criticizes the police investigation for its alleged inaction on a letter written by the victim, highlighting her abuse, which was included in a police report but never acted upon.

The report also brings to light the case of ‘Child 44,’ a teenage girl allegedly forced into an abortion at 13. Greater Manchester Police allegedly took the fetus for DNA testing without the girl’s consent, only for her to learn about it years later, according to the report.

The report’s authors, child protection specialist Malcolm Newsam CBE and former senior police officer Gary Ridgway, have criticized the authorities for their inadequate response to the crisis.

The response to the scandal, including apologies from Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, Greater Manchester Police and Rochdale Council, acknowledges the grievous errors made, Daily Mail reported. However, former detective Maggie Oliver, who resigned over the handling of the case, alleges that not enough has changed and that similar failures continue to occur.