
Science Nerds Are Trying To Fact-Check ‘Dune’ … Shut Up And Let Me Enjoy The Movie Before I Stuff You In A Locker


Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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Just when you thought science nerds couldn’t get any more condescending, they decided to explain how fictional characters in sci-fi movies aren’t plausible, and the replies are *chefs kiss.*

“Arrakis, the fictional planet in ‘Dune,’ would be inhospitable but livable for humans, researchers say. But the giant sandworms depicted in the movies and books are implausible,” Science News wrote in a tweet accompanying an article on the topic, as if anyone would need to read it to know what the heck it’s about. Obviously these creatures aren’t a realistic depiction of extraterrestrial life, you condescending freaking weirdos!

The replies from Twitter users to the tweet are utterly exceptional. “Thanks,” wrote one guy, which is pretty much all that was needed. But a few others went a little further with their mockery.

“It is good to know that they haven’t questioned the ability of people to do intergalactic travel via spice intoxication,” another person replied in the comments. “A big thank you to those researchers, knowing that a colossal fictional creature is implausible is a great weight off my mind,” said one more. I couldn’t agree more. (RELATED: Eat Seaweed To Survive A Nuclear Apocalypse, Cries Science!)

I mean, how stupid do you have to think the world is to write something like this? Next they’re going to tell us that the spells in “Harry Potter” aren’t actually possible due to the physical limitations of Earth’s magnetic field, and that E.T. wasn’t a real alien.

We need to go back to stuffing these people in lockers. I blame Neil deGrasse Tyson for this. He was a big burly wrestler, which made him immune to locker stuffing, so everyone just had to suffer through his “Well, ackshually” monologues and it became a whole trend.