
Gregg Jarrett Says ‘Notorious Liar’ Michael Cohen ‘Didn’t Lay A Glove On Trump’ During ‘Train Wreck’ Testimony

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Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett said Tuesday that Michael Cohen “failed to deliver a devastating blow” to former President Donald Trump during his testimony for the prosecution.

Cohen, a one-time fixer for former President Donald Trump who pled guilty to charges of lying to Congress in 2018 and who was accused of perjury by a federal judge, gave further testimony Tuesday after he took the stand Monday to testify in the case centered around a $130,000 payout to porn star Stormy Daniels. Jarrett said that Cohen’s testimony Tuesday provided no new information about the case or any wrongdoing by Trump. (RELATED: Jonathan Turley Says Michael Cohen’s Testimony Helped Trump Because It Showed He Was Following His ‘Directions’)

“The entire morning was the second day of Michael Cohen, you know, a notorious liar and a serial perjurer according to a judge recently,” Jarrett told Fox Business host and former Trump administration official Larry Kudlow. “He didn’t lay a glove on Trump. I’m just so astonished that such an anemic case legally would hinge on, you know, an infamous liar and yet when he takes the witness stand, he doesn’t deliver a devastating blow to the defendant, his former boss.”

“I mean, this case is really about the core indictment charges, misdemeanors that are magically elevated to a felony,” Jarrett continued. “Well, you never get to the felony if you knock out the false business records misdemeanors, and Cohen didn’t do that. He said, ‘oh, yes, these were false records,’ but then he went on to explain what the payments that he received were for and it turns out they were for legal services. So, you know, I think the defense opportunity to argue a vigorous directed verdict at the end of the prosecution’s case the moment that Cohen steps off the stand has increased.”


Kudlow asked Jarrett about comments that George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley made about Cohen during a Monday appearance on the show during which Turley said the tape appeared to show Trump was following the legal advice of Cohen, who was his lawyer at the time.

“Yeah, it totally it, but Alvin Bragg, the elected district attorney who promised he was going to put Trump behind bars, that was his campaign theme, you know, he wants to put Trump in prison for following his lawyer’s legal advice,” Jarrett said. “I mean, it’s utterly laughable, it’s preposterous, it’s absurd and yet this judge is sort of letting him get away with it. This is a train wreck, and the judge is, you know, the engineer driving the locomotive and he could have avoided it. Instead, it’s as if he has taken off his robe, stepped down from the bench and is sitting at the prosecution’s table. It’s outrageous.”

New York Judge Juan Merchan was accused by Turley of “crossing the line” Friday when the judge appeared to suggest that prosecutors from the office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg call former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg as a witness. The political fundraising firm run by Merchan’s daughter Loren worked with the Brennan Center for Justice, which was involved in the effort to remove former President Trump from the Colorado ballot, the Post-Millennial reported. (RELATED: Andy McCarthy Says He Doesn’t Believe Trump Judge Will Toss Case Because His Daughter Is ‘Progressive Operative’)

“There is no crime, and I’ve said this all along,” Jarrett told Kudlow. “I wrote a column a long-time ago that said this was always a trial in search of an imaginary crime that you will find nowhere in the criminal codes. You know, this sort of convoluted theory by Bragg, well, it is a violation of campaign finance. Well, no, it isn’t. It doesn’t qualify as a donation or a contribution. The FEC said that, the DOJ said that, Cy Vance, Bragg’s predecessor said that, but you know, Bragg didn’t care, he wanted to mangle the law, contort the evidence, twist the facts, in order to take out Trump to benefit Joe Biden. This is blatant election interference.”

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