
PIERCE: Why I (Like Other Black Voters) Am Ditching Biden For Trump

Getty Images/Kent Nishimura

Will Pierce Contributor
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Recent polls indicate a significant shift in the political landscape: President Biden is losing support from Black Americans. This trend is not only revealing but also encouraging. As an African American who recently switched from Democrat to Republican, I believe this awakening within our community is a step in the right direction.

Despite the administration’s attempts to showcase economic achievements for Black Americans, the reality on the ground tells a different story. Bidenomics has burdened Black businesses with high costs, high interest rates, and increased regulations, leading many Black entrepreneurs to reconsider their political affiliations.

Small enterprises, especially Black-owned ones, need help under the current economic policies. High interest rates have made it difficult for business owners to manage debt and access credit. Many Black business owners are now contemplating a shift in their political support, looking for candidates who can offer better economic prospects. During Trump’s presidency, Black businesses experienced significant growth, highlighting the positive impact of pro-business policies.

In stark contrast, Black-owned startups today rate their financial situation as “poor” more frequently than other demographic groups. Due to high interest rates, they face challenges paying operating expenses, accessing credit, and managing debt. These economic struggles explain the erosion of support for President Biden. Recent polls show Biden winning only 68 percent of Black voters in seven swing states, down from 91 percent in 2020.

Beyond economic issues, President Biden’s rhetoric has further alienated Black voters. His recent commencement address at a historically Black college exemplified this disconnect. Rather than uplifting and inspiring graduates, Biden chose to highlight racial grievances and portray America as a nation defined by racial animosity. On what should have been a day of celebration, Biden’s message was one of despair and division.

This divisive rhetoric is not what Black Americans need or deserve. Instead of fostering unity and hope, Biden has resorted to political desperation, attempting to stoke racial tensions to maintain support. This strategy is not only unworthy of a president but also counterproductive.

The reality is that Biden’s economic policies have failed to deliver the promised gains. Inflation, driven by his overspending, has caused wages to decline, disproportionately affecting Black and Hispanic households. According to recent Bureau of Labor Statistics data, inflation has led to higher living costs, forcing many Americans to take on second and even third jobs to make ends meet. While inflation disparities began to narrow in 2023, the recent acceleration in the consumer price index indicates that Black households and small businesses cannot expect relief anytime soon.

The current presidential election will be won at the margins. Americans are showing their frustration. They feel sticker shock every time they go to the grocery store. They feel stuck in place despite working so hard. They sense that the political elite are more concerned about representing their well-heeled friends than the average person. They are tired of culture war issues that pander to the extremes on the right and the left.

African Americans, like all Americans, share these sentiments. The struggles faced by Black voters mirror those felt by many others: economic hardships, a sense of stagnation, and disillusionment with political leaders. These are some of the reasons why Black voters are increasingly disenchanted with Biden.

The Democratic Party has long relied on the unwavering support of Black voters, but there is a growing realization that this loyalty has been taken for granted. Black voters are beginning to understand that their consistent support has not improved their lives. This awakening threatens the Democratic Party’s long-standing hold on the Black vote. No political party should feel entitled to our vote; it must be earned through policies that support our communities and improve our lives. 

The erosion of support for President Biden among Black Americans is not just a political trend; it is a sign of a frustrated electorate. As more Black Americans reconsider their political affiliations, we move closer to a future where our votes are genuinely valued. 

Will Pierce served as executive director of Draft Biden 2016, worked for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 and 2020 campaigns, and raised funds for Biden in 2020.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller.