
WaPo’s New Leaders Get Shining Red Flag To Start Firing People

(Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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It’s always interesting to get a whiff of another family’s dirty laundry — and The Washington Post might just be the most dysfunctional family in America.

Vanity Fair’s sweeping expose revealed some juicy in-house drama over at The Post. With the abrupt resignation of the paper’s top brass this week, the woke staffers are losing their minds.

Post publisher Will Lewis stepped in to put on a show of fatherliness, attempting to quell the concerns in a staff-wide meeting. He assured staffers he wants them to be “inspired” but he can’t “sugarcoat” things anymore.

“We are losing large amounts of money. Your audience has halved in recent years. People are not reading your stuff,” he said. Drastic times call for drastic measures, and he brought in the best people he knew to right the ship. Unfortunately, they’re all white men.

This predictably sparked a whole lot of millennial whining.

“What the f-ck—that’s how I feel right now,” one staffer said. Another griped about the “four white men” now heading the paper, and applause broke out when Lewis was pressed on additional diversity efforts.

“That’s not how well-functioning companies announce major personnel news,” another staffer said.

But the Washington Post is not a well-functioning company — it’s the embodiment of the gender-freak activist class wearing the skincoat of a newspaper. The rank-and-file cares even less about finances than they do about reporting the news. They are the dead weight that needs to go.

The staffers complaining are most likely the very people causing the paper to hemorrhage money. No one wants to read their pieces on vagina art, “family-friendly” drag queens, and Donald Trump’s phallic shortcomings. Meanwhile, the normal, productive voices over at the Post are likely the ones being bullied into silence.

Don’t expect much change over at the Post. As of now, tech columnist/professional cry-bully agitator Taylor Lorenz still has a job. We’ll know Lewis is serious about real change when he kicks that shrieking harpy to the curb.