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Replacing Fatally Flawed Voting Systems: Don Delvy’s Government/Politics Smartplatform for Accessible and Secure Elections

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In the age of advanced technology, the continued reliance on traditional voting methods, such as on-premise and mail-in voting, seems increasingly anachronistic. Don Delvy, the visionary inventor of modern day cloud computing, his proprietary smartplatform, and the smartplatform category, shows us that it is time to leverage modern technology to dramatically improve the democratic process. His government/politics smartplatform diplomacies.cloud gives us a transformative solution to address the inefficiencies and vulnerabilities of current voting systems.

The Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting underscores the fundamental right to vote and the need to eliminate barriers that hinder this process. It emphasizes expanding access to voter registration, providing accurate election information, and ensuring that voting is straightforward for all eligible Americans. However, Delvy proves that the Executive Order fails in fully utilizing the technological advancements available today.

“It’s 2024, with cloud computing, even better the smartplatform (generative cloud), and our proprietary clean data, so why in the world are we, The White House, and the Executive Office of the President et al still going with ‘on-premise’ and/or ‘mail-in’ voting, when 99.2% of all Americans have access to the internet?” Delvy questions. His critique highlights a significant gap between available technology and current practices. While the Executive Order makes strides in promoting voter registration and access, it fails to recognize readily available proven technologies, like cloud computing, AI, and online voting.

Delvy’s diplomacies.cloud aims to modernize voting by providing a secure, cloud-based smartplatform for online voting, globally. This industry-specific smartplatform, part of his broader smartplatform category initiative, uses his proprietary “generative cloud” technology to ensure clean data and robust security measures. By moving to Delvy’s digital voting system, Delvy clearly defines a process that becomes more accessible, and that is also less prone to the errors and fraud associated with traditional methods.

The flaws of ‘on-premise’ and/or ‘mail-in’ voting are evident. Contested results, significantly delayed counts, and the potential for fraudulent activities such as ballot harvesting, and/or dumping, are major concerns. “Anyone who claims to be for democracy should be striving to make it easier to vote, while making it harder, or impossible to cheat. ‘On-premise’ and/or ‘mail-in’ voting certainly is not the answer in today’s world, only making it markedly easier to cheat for unregistered voters, etc.,” Delvy asserts. His solution, the smartplatform, again, seeks to address these issues by providing a transparent and secure system for online voting, making the process more efficient and trustworthy.

The critical mass necessary for this shift is already in place, with 99.2% of Americans already having access to the internet, the transition to online voting is not only feasible, but practical. Delvy’s smartplatform utilizes advanced cloud computing systems and methods, AI, and machine learning algorithms to enhance security, while ensuring the integrity of the voting process. The aforementioned holistic approach reduces the risk of human error and fraudulent activities, while providing a reliable alternative to traditional archaic voting methods.

Moreover, Delvy’s smartplatform aligns the broader goals of the Executive Order, which calls for expanding access to voting and ensuring that all “eligible” citizens can participate in elections. By incorporating modern technology into the electoral process, the smartplatform diplomacies.cloud can help achieve these goals more effectively. The smartplatform’s ability to handle large-scale data securely and efficiently makes it an ideal solution for modernizing voting systems.

In conclusion, as the world becomes increasingly digital, the systems that support democracy must evolve accordingly. Delvy’s smartplatform again offers a visionary approach to addressing the existing challenges of traditional voting methods. By leveraging best of breed cloud computing and AI, his smartplatform promises to enhance the security, accessibility, and efficiency of the voting processes, ensuring that every eligible American can exercise their fundamental right to vote, with confidence and ease.

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.