
‘Stroke Of Genius’: Former Federal Prosecutor Applauds Weiss’ Use Of Hunter Biden’s Book

[Screenshot/Fox News/"Jesse Watters Primetime"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Former federal prosecutor Jay Town applauded special counsel David Weiss on Wednesday for his team’s use of Hunter Biden’s autobiography within his federal gun charges trial.

Town appeared on “Jesse Watters Primetime” to discuss the President Joe Biden’s youngest son’s trial, which was brought forward by Weiss in Sept. 2023. Fox host Jesse Watters questioned Town on his thoughts regarding the case, and if he believed Hunter Biden would be able to receive a “not guilty” verdict. (RELATED: FBI Witness Blows Up Hunter Biden Legal Team’s Laptop Narrative)

“No, well look, the only way to go to be, the only way it could be, which is the defense strategy, is jury nullification. Which is equally unlawful and unethical defense to propose and also, you know, the judge will likely instruct the jury that nullification is an inappropriate way to arrive at their verdict,” Town stated.

“Jury nullification is where the jurors are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt, but because they  feel sorry for the defendant or they don’t like the prosecution team that they acquit anyways. There’s no legal basis for the not guilty verdict, it’s just the jury nullifies all of the evidence. So it’s completely inappropriate, unethical, and unlawful.”

“The evidence thus far has been absolutely overwhelming against – I’ve never prosecuted a defendant where they actually wrote a book about their criminal behavior. It was a stroke of genius, this is all about exes and experts [in] this case thus far. To not only provided the experts from Hunter Biden’s book where he’s admitting to his addiction and his use of illegal narcotics, but then to play his audiobook which is narrated by none other than Hunter Biden. So they got to hear the admissions in Hunter’s voice, great stroke by the prosecution team,” Town continued.

Watters continued to press the former federal prosecutor on if he believed Hunter Biden could be expected to take the stand within the trial, to which Town argued that he couldn’t “imagine” due to the amounting evidence against him.

“I can’t imagine he would. I mean, there’s so much impeachable evidence that you would have to admit to. You know, I don’t know, the laptop was always real, he always knew it, regardless of what he said on Jimmy Kimmel. We all knew it didn’t have the hallmarks of Russian disinformation, this was Hunter’s laptop all along. He would have to admit to all those things, so zero chance he takes the stand,” Town stated.

Weiss slapped Hunter Biden last year with the federal charges for allegedly providing false statements, as well as knowingly possessing a gun during his drug addiction after allegedly purchasing a Colt Cobra revolver in October 2018. As Hunter Biden’s team has attempted to dismiss the case over constitutional grounds, Weiss presented the president’s son with a plea deal last summer.

Presiding Judge Maryellen Noreika rejected the deal from Weiss due to the terms within the agreement, which appeared to give Hunter Biden immunity from prosecution for crimes related to his two misdemeanor tax charges, which he also expected in court for later this month.