Legal Org Pegs ‘Gays Against Groomers’ As ‘Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate Group’

(Photo by Amanda Edwards/Getty Images)

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Robert Schmad Contributor
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The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) on Tuesday designated an openly gay organization that opposes gender ideology as an “anti-LGBT+ hate group.”

The SPLC publishes an annual list of “hate” organizations and dubbed Gays Against Groomers an “anti-LGBTQ+ hate group” in its most recent iteration, arguing that it has been “amplifying anti-trans and anti-drag messaging. Gays Against Groomer is a 501(c)(4) advocacy group that describes itself as a coalition of “gays, lesbians and others” working to “oppose the sexualization, indoctrination and mutilation of children under the guise of radical ‘LGBTQIA+’ activism,” according to its website.

The group “has shut down ‘family-friendly’ drag shows aimed at children, lobbied for bills preventing child abuse and mutilation, given speeches at school board meetings, organized rallies and protests, spoken out from within the community, and endorsed candidates who unequivocally condemn the current state of the gender movement,” its website reads. (RELATED: Here’s How Major Charities Are Blacklisting Conservative Groups, Cutting Them Off From Donations)

The California chapter worked with other activist groups to shut down a “Drag Queen Storytime” in October 2023, the Los Angeles Blade reported.

“What we are witnessing is mass-scale child abuse being perpetuated on an entire generation, and we will no longer sit by and watch it happen,” Gays Against Groomers says on its website. “Gender ideology isn’t just a neo-religious cult; it is biotechnological warfare in drag. Its propaganda machine is relentless, like a multi-headed hydra with claws in every corporate sector.”

The organization’s work falls into a pattern of “conservative resistance to visible signs of a pluralistic and accepting society,” Idaho State University political science associate professor Edward Kammerer said, according to the SPLC report.

Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles at the 2024 WeHo Pride Parade on June 02, 2024 in West Hollywood, California. (Photo by Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images)

Organizations placed on the SPLC’s list of hate organizations can lose access to pools of funding as many charities will refuse to send money to any group the SPLC deems to be hateful. At least 10 community foundations, like the Chicago Community Trust and the Greater Washington Community Foundation, collectively controlling billions in assets, use SPLC materials when determining where to send grant funds.

“The SPLC’s ‘hate map’ may discourage would-be donors from contributing to mainstream conservative and Christian causes, as it suggests these causes are hateful along similar lines to the Ku Klux Klan,” Daily Signal Managing Editor Tyler O’Neil, author of “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center,” previously told the DCNF.

The “hate map” is a visualization of the SPLC’s list plotted geographically across the United States. Conservative organizations like the Alliance Defending Freedom and Gun Owners of America are placed alongside Nazis and racial extremists on the map.

The SPLC and Gays Against Groomers did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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