
Nice Try, But The 2A Isn’t In The ‘Realm Of Public Health’

(Wikimedia Commons/Public/Adam Schultz for The White House - P20230724AS-0419, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=143454814)

Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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Just when you thought everything couldn’t get weirder, the Biden administration rolled a new mind-boggling shock to reality.

You may have thought America’s gun laws were governed by the Second Amendment. Wrong, says Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, guns are actually a “public health crisis.”

The Surgeon General jumps through hoops to categorize gun violence as some psychic trauma plaguing the “mental health of our nation.” The solution, outlined in Murthy’s 32-page advisory, is to effectively make healthcare workers an arm of the gun control lobby and introduce stricter, universal regulations. Ultimately, this means taking gun control “out of the realm of politics and . . . into the realm of public health,” Murthy explained in an interview.

You see, Murthy wants the neutral health bureaucracy to implement objectively scientific solutions… just as they did during COVID-19.

This is all as absurd as it is transparent. The Biden administration wants to slap the patina of scientific rigor on their preferred gun-grabbing policies and then castigate anyone who doesn’t Trust The Science™.

Obviously, gun violence is a problem in America, but it’s not a public health issue in the way that opioid addiction or obesity are. Any phony attempts to depoliticize gun violence in this way only make it more political. You won’t just have smug liberals asking why you need an AR-15 to hunt anymore; you’ll have a new class of experts telling you that The Science says you don’t get to have a gun. Why? Well, because they’re the experts.