
Can A ‘Proud Conservative’ Really Vote For Biden? Let’s Ask This Loser


Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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America’s favorite RINO just endorsed Joe Biden for President.

Former GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger chose not to run for reelection last year rather than face the embarrassment of being voted out by constituents who hated him. Now, clinging to relevance, he’s hoping to get some Good Boy Treats from his handlers over in Biden World.

“It’s because of my unwavering support for Democracy . . . that I’m endorsing President Biden,” he said in a pre-recorded video, with a soulless, beady-eyed glare directly into the camera.

“Donald Trump poses a direct threat to every fundamental American value,” he lamented, but thankfully spared us the tears this time.

He’s doing this all “as a proud conservative,” he assures us, always has been.

So what exactly is he conserving by endorsing Biden?

Well, child genital mutilation for a start. The Biden admin mainlined drag queen story hour, queer theory, and all associated deviancy into American life. It even pressured the world’s leading transgender advocacy organization into flubbing the science on child sex changes. It’s best we conserve this deeply embedded American tradition.

How about the war in Ukraine? There’s no bigger simp for wasting American blood and treasure than Adam “Slava Ukraini” Kinzinger. America’s cherished tradition of escalating pointless wars to the point of no return must be preserved at all costs. No worries, Biden will make sure each day brings us closer to World War III.

What about the American economy itself, and more importantly the nation (i.e. the people) it is meant to serve? Well, who really cares about that anyway. We’ve long been a simple banking hub for global elites to gut. All that’s really left to conserve is the Green New Deal. Don’t worry, Biden will make sure that China really eats our lunch in his second term.

So can a “proud conservative” really vote for Biden? Hell yeah! Groomers, war, and a nation by and for global oligarchs — if that’s not something worth conserving, I don’t know what is.