
Obama Speaks Out Following Biden’s Dismal Debate Performance

(Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)

Micah Allen Contributor
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Former President Obama defended President Joe Biden on Twitter on Friday afternoon following his awful performance in Thursday’s debate.

Obama acknowledged Biden’s struggles in his showdown with Trump. He wrote, “Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know.” He followed this concession up by encouraging voters to remain behind the president, contrasting him with his opponent by saying that Biden “has fought for ordinary folks his entire life,” while Trump, “only cares about himself.”

The former president remains highly influential in the Democratic party and many of its members looked to his leadership as the idea of replacing Biden catapulted to the forefront of the national conversation Tuesday. (RELATED: Presidential Debate Was The First Step In A Coup Against Joe Biden)

Additional speculation regarding Obama’s potential stance was fueled this afternoon through a tweet posted by hedge fund manager Doug Kass that was later reported by Fox News. The tweet claims that there would be a “sit down” with Biden, Obama and Klain on Friday. The tweet also notes that Mrs. Biden is adamant that her husband stays in the race and that governors Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom are the favorites as a potential replacement.

Obama is standing behind his former right hand, for now.