
‘No Way To Spin It’: Mika Brzezinski Says She ‘Thought Something Was Wrong’ When Biden Shuffled On Stage


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MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski said there was “no way to spin” President Joe Biden’s performance in a Thursday night debate with former President Donald Trump, saying Biden’s entrance led her to think “something was wrong.”

Biden appeared to freeze at several points, made multiple verbal gaffes, often spoke unintelligibly and repeatedly lost his train of thought during the 90-minute debate moderated by CNN hosts Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. Brzezinski opened up about her thoughts on Biden’s performance following a somber opening monologue by her husband, “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough. (RELATED: Panicked Dems Scramble For Biden Replacement After ‘Disaster’ Debate Performance)


“For me, watching what happened last night, again, it was terrible,” Brzezinski said. “It was terrible, there’s no way to spin it. I still wonder what he’s going to look like in a week. I wonder if he was sick.”

“He came out on the stage, and I thought something was wrong,” she added, as Biden appeared stiff during his entrance.

Brzezinski then defended Biden, despite her observation that “something was wrong.”

“I still believe he is the best choice for this country, even with that performance last night,” Brzezinski said. “Because he was standing next to a man who represents fascism, who doesn’t believe in this country, and would not even agree to the results of this election if they were free and fair to him. A man who has incited a riot. A man who tried to overturn the election. A man who is liable of sexual abuse. A man who is a fraudster. A man who is a convicted felon.”

While Biden’s performance in the debate was roundly panned as a disaster on corporate media outlets, including CNN and MSNBC, as well as by Democrats, Brzezinski claimed Biden could rebound from the performance.

“I just had this gut feeling that I’m not ready to give up even close. Joe Biden has lost more in his life than he has won in every way, especially politically,” Brzezinski said. “This man has lost and lost, and the only time he wins is when it matters. We have proof of that. He has lost in personal ways. He has lost and hit rock bottom in every way possible, and every time, he comes back fighting.”

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