
Fight Nearly Breaks Out At Hearing As CA Aims To Prohibit Schools From Notifying Parents About Child’s Sexuality

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A debate over a California bill to ban school boards from enacting policies forcing employees to notify parents about their child’s sexuality and “gender identity” erupted Thursday. 

Republican Assemblyman Bill Essayli made a statement that “set off” Democrat Corey Jackson, Ashley Zavala of KCRA News reported.

Essayli reportedly compared Democratic leadership to an “oligarchy” and “the communist party” of California.

Assembly Bill 1955, the “Support Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth Act,” is currently on its way to Democratic Gov, Gavin Newsom’s desk. 

The bill would “prohibit school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, and the state special schools, and a member of the governing board or body of those educational entities” from implementing or enforcing any rule that requires a contractor or employee to notify someone about a student’s “sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression” without the student’s consent

It also includes a provision to “develop resources” for the “support of parents, guardians, and families of LGBTQ” students to be used in schools. “School-based supports and community resources” include “safe spaces” for families of LGBT students and “support groups.” 

In July of 2023, Jackson refused to say whether a sexually explicit book, “This Book is Gay,” was “appropriate” for a middle school.

After a parent quoted a graphic excerpt, Jackson stated that while “all books should be age appropriate” he would need to read the specific book.

The day before California’s bill passed, a transgender female activist shouted down a woman, Arienne Adamčíková, who testified against the act.

The activist, Ebony Harper, decried the woman as a “gender critical monster.”

“Teachers also do not want to be liars or co-conspirators in the social transition of students,” Adamčíková stated in her testimony. 

Adamčíková explained how “anxiety, loneliness, and too much time on the internet” contributed to her son’s former trans-identity. She added that youth rejecting their biological sex “results in a downward spiral of their already fragile mental state.”

Luka Hein sued the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2023 for allegedly performing a double mastectomy on her in 2018 when she was just 16-years-old. 

Hein reportedly developed symptoms of gender dysphoria after her parents filed for divorce, and she was also allegedly groomed by an older man online. The traumatizing experience led Hein to research sexuality, and she discovered transgender influencers promoting surgery and hormones. 

Dan and Jennifer Mead sued a Michigan school district in 2023, alleging their daughter’s middle school was socially transitioning her without their knowledge. The parents took action after learning she was using a different name and male pronouns

While California is advancing a bill supported by trans-activists, Ohio’s house passed a measure Thursday that bans students from using bathrooms and locker rooms that do not correspond to their biological sex