
Media Matters Whined About Reporting On Biden’s Age. Post-Debate, They Look Even Worse

(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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Media Matters is mad, but what else is new?

The self-appointed watchdog group conducted a pointless “study” and then acted surprised when the completely obviously results: corporate news outlets cover — sorry, “fixate” — on Biden’s age concerns about 10 times more than they do Trump’s.

How can journos care so much about Biden’s age “despite [Trump’s] similar age, frequent gaffes, and incoherent ramblings”?

Sorry, Media Matters. This is one reality that even hack journos can’t avoid. And after Biden’s debate performance last night, expect the spread to grow exponentially larger.

Check out the chart. The Wall Street Journal is the only center-right outlet on the chart (but still, that’s just their editorial board) — so the results are somewhat predictable. But the WaPo, NYT, and LA Times have long been leading the vanguard of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Even they report Biden’s staggering old age decline, at this point clearly both mental and physical, at orders of magnitudes higher than they cover Trump’s.

That’s because it’s the clear, undeniable truth. There’s even less wiggle room on this one than men turning into women. Biden’s been freezing, falling, and wandering off at a rate that just seems to be getting worse. It’s an overwhelming concern for Americans across the political spectrum. And their worst fears were confirmed on the debate stage last night.

This is most likely a pressure tactic to force media outlets to stop covering Biden’s age: “You’re either with us or against us; come back to the good guys.”

But it’s too late to turn back the clock. Biden sealed his fate in the debate;  if he stays in the race, and that’s a big if, the media will be forced to continue covering his sorry state. No amount of media eye bleach can convince America that the man sitting in the Oval Office is young and spry. In fact, he might not even know where he is.