
Trump’s Proposed ‘Fight League’ Might Be The Perfect Solution To The Migrant Crisis

Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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There’s a crappy movie from the aughts, “The Condemned,” where prisoners fight each other to win their freedom — all for viewers’ enjoyment on a reality TV show.

Now, if there’s one thing Donald Trump knows, it’s reality TV. The media is crying about “dehumanizing language,” but Trump’s proposed “fight league” for migrants might be the perfect solution to Biden’s Border Crisis.

“I have an idea,” Trump recalled telling UFC President Dana White at a rally.  “Why don’t you set up a migrant league of fighters, and have your regular league of fighters, and then you have the champion of your [regular] league . . . fight the champion of the migrants? I think the migrant guy might win, that’s how tough they are. ”

White didn’t like it, but “it’s not the worst idea I’ve ever had,” Trump quipped.

Biden’s recent executive order on the border curbs crossings to an average of 2,500 a day, effectively a meaningless gesture. But Trump’s fight league could bring that number down to one. Let one lucky border crosser fight a UFC champ once a day. If he wins, then he gets to stay. Hell, give him full citizenship. The TV ratings will make more than pay for itself.

Don’t worry, we won’t be toeing any “Gladiator” lines here. We’re civilized after all. Feel free to tap out at any time; no one’s making you come to America.

If he loses? Well, I guess he should have trained harder. Try again next year — I hear Guatemala has great MMA gyms.

How fast would this curb migration? Well, the vast majority of weaklings wouldn’t even bother trying. But those who fight and win would finally allow Trump to say, “Wow, they really are sending their best!”