
New Amazon Show Takes DEI To Its Most Hilarious Extreme

(Photo by Amanda Edwards/Getty Images)

Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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You thought Netflix’s “Bridgerton” was bad? Amazon just came through with a “hold my beer.”

The streaming giant’s new show, “My Lady Jane,” shows a black, gay King Edward “navigating his queerness” in 16th Century England. And if that wasn’t enough, they also threw him in a wheelchair for good measure.

This might just be the biggest DEI bomb of all time. As even the gushing profile of the actor playing Edward admits, the period piece takes place in a time when you’re “more likely to see a man turn into a horse than see society accept gay people.” So why shoehorn such an absurd historical inaccuracy into existence?

George Orwell explains it perfectly in his now-prescient 1984: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.'”

The point, as always with radical leftists, is to remake the past to shape the future toward their own desires. The leftist ideologues making these diversity pet projects want you to forget Western history entirely. They want to throttle your imagination, making you incapable of contemplating any other world that differs from our current multicultural, globalist epoch. Accept DEI royalty just as you must accept DEI college admissions,  hiring, and open borders; that’s just the way of the world.

So watch “My Lady Jane” if you’re a glutton for cheesy young adult historical fiction. But remember, the world doesn’t have to be the way that Hollywood says it is.