
HART: Dems Can’t Call Trump ‘Hitler’ For Years And Then Act Surprised

(Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Ron Hart Contributor
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On Saturday, Donald Trump happened to turn his ample head at exactly the right time to miss being gravely shot by less than an inch. That would have left America with only two guys, both brain damaged, to vote for president in November. 

Call it Providence, luck or just another failure of the Biden administration, but it could have been a lot worse. What was most interesting to me, other than the evolving investigation into the obvious failures of the DEI-laced Secret Service, was the left’s response. 

Maybe the local Keystone Kops of the Keystone State messed up. The Secret Service certainly made mistakes. We are now left wondering if the government can be trusted to protect Trump. I know why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used Black Muslims to protect him in D.C. during speeches. Trump might want to see what Kyle Rittenhouse is up to. 

Somehow, the left has demonized Trump since finding out he was a Republican in 2016 (he was the toast of the town when he was a freewheeling Democrat before that). We had the Russia Hoax, trying to frame his appointees like Michael Flynn, lies about Charlottesville that Biden says “encouraged” him to run, Robert Mueller’s farcical investigation, weak impeachment charges, Soros-funded DA lawfare against him, the Jan. 6th sham show trial, etc. What’s the logical next step?

I am not there yet on government involvement, but many of us who have worked in or watched this federal government for years first thought, upon hearing of the shooting: “Deep State.” That said, Trump still exited the stage that night more gracefully than Biden does. 

So, what happens from here? Supposedly, the federal government will investigate itself and get back to us. We still do not have the Warren Commission findings on Lee Harvey Oswald’s shooting of JFK.

The most hypocritical thing in the wake of the shooting is how the left-wing media and politicians act sanctimonious about how we need to tone down our language. This from the people who called Trump “Hitler” for years. 

And if you vilify someone as Hitler, a man who killed 6 million Jews in the Holocaust and caused the deaths of millions more people who fought him in World War II, it is not a big moral leap to think that someone killing him would be justified. It’s louder than a dog whistle; it’s a call to action.

You call him “Hitler” and, as Jill Biden did, “evil,” then you go on TV and wish him well and a quick recovery? Say what you will about Hitler, he killed Hitler. But in 1941 if Hitler got shot like Trump, would you wish him a quick recovery? Come on, lefties, read a room.

Do you really think that Biden’s first thought, upon seeing Trump leave the stage bloodied but defiant, with the crowd chanting “USA, USA” was, “I hope he is OK?”

The vitriol toward Trump reminds me of a quote attributed to Henry II of England preceding the death of the Archbishop of Canterbury, a bitter adversary. Henry II demanded of his knights weeks before the Archbishop was killed, “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?” Kind of like putting Trump “in a bullseye,” right? 

Again, I reserve judgment on the origins of this attempted assassination. It appears the FBI finally broke into the shooter’s cell phone. (I assume the FBI called upon my ex-wife to help with that). But we should find out more about his motive. Rest assured, if there is anything damaging to Biden, the Dems or the Deep State, the cell phone data will get the “Epstein Island Attendee” treatment: Deep-Sixed by the Deep State. 

Dems will keep trying to get rid of this “troublesome priest.” The James-Bond-like ladies’ man, Donald Trump, must go away. Might I suggest to the Dems the best way to make a womanizing man like Trump go away, never to be heard from again? A one-night stand.

Ron Hart is a libertarian op-ed humorist, an award-winning author, and a frequent guest on TV and radio. He can be contacted at Ron@RonaldHart.com or @RonaldHart on Twitter.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller.