
Kamala’s Painful Attempt To Tie Herself To Summer’s Biggest Pop Star

(Photo by Chris duMond/Getty Images)

Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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Kamala Harris is trying to make fetch happen. Sorry, but it’s not going to happen.

In the few hours between President Joe Biden dropping out of the race and Harris racking up hundreds of endorsements and breaking fundraising records, the new campaign also made a painful appeal to Gen-Z. Harris’ campaign Twitter account quickly adopted a neon green color scheme and retro-type face, an undeniable nod to the pop sensation of the summer: Charli XCX’s sixth studio album, “Brat.”

The dance album has taken social media by storm since its release on June 7, giving Gen-Z influencers plenty of content fuel and new cultural references. In the singer’s own words, “Brat” is about a “girl who’s a little messy, and likes to party . . . and maybe say some dumb things sometimes.” She’s “honest, blunt and a little bit volatile.”

It’s been a “Brat summer,” as America’s youth embrace this vibe and live their best, most carefree lives; who cares what anyone else thinks?

Does this sound anything like the Kamala Harris we’ve seen these past few years?

The media has dutifully gone along with Harris’ supposed Brat era, trying to rehabilitate her image as the “cool girl” to make her appealing to young voters. But it’s destined to blow up in her face.

Harris is so inauthentic she makes Hillary Clinton look like an edgy scenester. Everything she does is tightly managed and over-produced to make it look as though she’s effortlessly balancing power and grace. But it’s all so forced you can tell how much she struggles to keep to the script. In reality, she’s thin-skinned, neurotic and obsessed with how she’s perceived. And those “dumb things” she says? You can bet she’s mad as hell that they play on loop in conservative media.

Harris isn’t Brat. She can never be Brat. In fact, trying so hard to be Brat only shows how much she isn’t.