Gary Marx

Gary Marx - Page 1


Gary was part of the small team that originally founded JCN in January 2005. As Executive Director, Marx has been the political field general for JCN's efforts to promote judicial restraint by supporting the successful Supreme Court confirmations of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito.<br /> <br /> Gary came to the JCN following a tour of duty for the Bush-Cheney 04 national campaign as a coalitions director. In 2008, he served as senior adviser for conservative coalitions on the Mitt Romney for President Campaign.<br /> <br /> Marx is a media regular, commenting on judicial nominations, the courts, and the growing judicial and legal crises across the country. He has done hundreds of television and radio interviews including CNN, FOX, CBN, CSPAN, and major market radio talk show programs. Gary is also president of Principium Consulting a public policy and public affairs consulting firm.