Christina Walsh

Christina Walsh - Page 1

Director of Activism and Coalitions, Institute for Justice

Christina Walsh serves as the Institute for Justice's Director of Activism and Coalitions. Through her outreach efforts and grassroots organizing nationwide, she fights for property owners to keep what is rightfully theirs; parents to choose where their children go to school; entrepreneurs' right to make an honest living; and the average citizen's freedom to speak.<br /> <br /> Prior to expanding our grassroots efforts to all four of the Institute's litigation pillars, Walsh traveled the country, educating and organizing property owners and activists whose homes and businesses were threatened by eminent domain for private gain. Through community meetings, rallies, protests and workshops, Walsh has helped defeat tax-hungry governments that seek to condemn perfectly fine properties for land-hungry private developers. She successfully organized home and small business owners in Chicago, Ill., Wilmington, Del., New York City, and across New Jersey and California, and has forged strong alliances that span the philosophical spectrum. Walsh has been quoted extensively in news outlets across the country. She now applies those same grassroots techniques to the Institute's fights for economic liberty, free speech and school choice.<br /> <br /> Walsh provides legislative support to state and local lawmakers, and coordinates Perspectives on Eminent Domain Abuse, a series of independently authored reports published by the Institute for Justice that examines the issue of eminent domain.<br /> <br /> Christina received her undergraduate degree in Political Theory from the University of Virginia in 2004, and joined the Institute upon graduation.