David Silverstein

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David Silverstein is a highly regarded speaker and author, and a top international corporate consultant. As founder and CEO of BMGI, he has helped hundreds of clients, through a network of offices in 13 countries, develop solutions to their most pressing business problems. BMGI is a management consulting firm focused on strategy and innovation.<br /> <br /> David Silverstein is the author of Become an Elite Mental Athlete (BMGI, 2014), One Dot, Two Dots, Get Some New Dots (BMGI, 2013), What’s Good for the Goose Could Cook the Gander (BMGI, 2012), The Innovator’s Toolkit: 50+ Techniques for Predictable and Sustainable Organic Growth (Wiley, 2008) and Insourcing Innovation: How to Achieve Competitive Excellence Using TRIZ (Auerbach Publications, 2007). These bestselling management books are essential resources for any forward-thinking business leader.